Duncan Hunter is a famous American character who has been on the position US Representative for California since 2009. To know more about his political or another professional career you can check the below article. The article is mainly prepared for people who were looking for Duncan Hunter phone number, Duncan Hunter email ID, Duncan Hunter assistant details, Duncan Hunter manager number, office details, address etc. Below tables will show you these details step by step. Some of these details may not be available. Along with these, you will also get his official website and social profile links from here.
Duncan Hunter is a famous celebrity who is known as the Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from California’s 50th district. He first appointed to this position but from constituency 52 in the year 2009. Later in the year 2013, he was shifted to constituency 50. He graduated from San Diego State University. Apart from his political career, he is a military officer who served at the United States Marine Corps. He was at the major rank. Duncan Hunter has also survived the war of Afghanistan and Iraq. Interested ones can also go for Kamala Harris, Adam Schiff, Melania Trump and Jay Inslee.
Duncan Hunter Birth Name | Duncan Duane Hunter |
Duncan Hunter DOB | December 7, 1976 |
Duncan Hunter also writes their name as Duncan D. Hunter which is Duncan Duane Hunter. He was born to Duncan Lee Hunter who was a great American politician.
What are the Phone Numbers of Duncan Hunter? | |
Duncan Hunter Personal Phone Number | N/A |
Duncan Hunter Whatsapp Number | N/A |
Duncan Hunter Mobile Number | N/A |
Duncan Hunter Office Phone Number | (202) 225-5672 |
Duncan Hunter Fax Number | (202) 225-0235 |
Here we have posted Washington office number and fax number of Duncan Hunter. You can send your documents or contact him for any important matters.
What are the Email IDs of Duncan Hunter? | |
Duncan Hunter Personal Email ID | N/A |
Duncan Hunter Office Email ID | N/A |
No email ID of Duncan Hunter is available. Visit us later for these details.
What are the Contact Addresses of Duncan Hunter? | |
Duncan Hunter Residence Address | USA |
Duncan Hunter Office Address | 2429 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 |
We have only mentioned his Washington office details in this section. If you are looking for his other office details then visit below contact link.
Official Website: hunter.house.gov
Official website of Duncan Hunter is attached here. Use the link and visit his personal website where you will get details about his powers, work and office.
Social Media Profiles of Duncan Hunter | |
Facebook Fan Page | facebook.com/DuncanHunter |
Twitter Handle | twitter.com/rep_hunter |
Instagram Handle | N/A |
YouTube Channel | N/A |
Snapchat ID | N/A |
Other profiles of Duncan Hunter are not available. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter. These are the only official accounts of him.
Important Links
Office Locations: hunter.house.gov/office-locations
Find out the office of Duncan Hunter in your region.
Contact us: hunter.house.gov/contact-me
Check out different ways of contacting Duncan Hunter from this link.
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