Kristen Stewart who we all know as “Bella” from Twilight Saga (2008-12) is an American actress and a model born on 9 April 1990 in California to parents John and Jules who already belonged to the film industry. At a very early age of eight she started her acting career when she made her first appearance in Disney Channel TV-movie The Thirteenth Year (1999).
After appearing in various other films like Cold Creek Manor (2003), Catch That Kid (2004), Undertow (2004), Speak (2005), and Fierce People (2006) she was casted for the role of Bella for Twilight Saga (2008) which made her a star. Soon she became a romantic icon especially for the teens. All the parts of Twilight were huge blockbuster hits. After Twilight she appeared in Snow White and the Huntsman with Chris Hemsworth and Charlize Theron which was another hit and Kristen enjoyed her success.
Talking about her personal life she dated Robert Pattinson but the couple part their ways after she got involved with the director Robert Sands.
Kristen Stewart’s essential information has been provided in this article including her physical stats, social profiles, and website and contact details.
Kristen Stewart Contact Details
Kristen Stewart has not shared her personal contact details in this article but connect to her with her social profiles given in this article.
Kristen Stewart Office Address: N/A
Kristen Stewart Residence Address: N/A
Kristen Stewart Phone Number: N/A
Kristen Stewart WhatsApp Number: N/A
Kristen Stewart Fax Number: N/A
Kristen Stewart Email ID: N/A
Kristen Stewart Body Stats
KRISTEN STEWART | Actress and Model |
Date of Birth | 9 April 1990 |
Physical Stats | |
Height | 5 ft 5 in or 165 cm |
Weight | 54 kg or 119 pounds |
Eye Color | Green |
Hair Color | naturally blonde, colored hair dark brown |
Body Measurements | 34-22-34 |
Kristen Stewart Website
Social Profiles
Kristen Stewart is not active on any of the social media platforms but her fans have made pages on her behalf. Get her recent updates by clicking on the links given below.
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LinkedIn Profile: N/A
YouTube Channel: N/A
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