L Brands is a collection of world renowned brands that energize emancipate and pamper. L brands offer the products of Victoria’s Secret, PINK, Bath & Body Works, La Senza and Henri Bendel that helps the customers to feel sexy, urbane and forever young. L Brands deals in lingerie, personal care and beauty products, apparel and accessories. The company operates in US, UK and greater China through its more than 3000 specialty stores. This company is growing with each passing year; it recorded sales of $12.6 billion in 2016.
Customers who have been searching information about L Brands will get it through this article as it includes its customer service contact details, social profiles and important links.
L Brands Customer Services Contact Details
Contact the customer service department with the help of the following details.
L Brands Customer Services Number: 614-415-7000
For general query or information you call on the number mentioned above and get instant assistance.
L Brands Customer Services Email Id: N/A
L Brands Head Office Address: Three Limited Parkway Columbus, OH 43230
L Brands Office Phone Number: 614-415-7000
L Brands Office Fax Number: N/A
L Brands Official Website: lb.com
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