Merck Vaccines is one of the leading and world’s largest health-related products manufacturing and providing companies which was founded in 1891. It is one of the global leader medical company which provides vaccinations, medicines, health-related products and much more products online and offline. The main headquarter of this company is located in the United States.
Various kinds of products are provided by them such as BCG Vaccine USP, Gradasil, M-M-R, ProQuad etc. You can read disease information also by following their given category. They providing many pharmacy management tools, support tools, CDC Resources and much more products online. You can buy all of these products from their official website also. If you purchase any product from their site but not satisfied with its quality then you can return your product by following the steps given by their customer service team. For shipping details, you can visit their official site and read their official shipping policy.
In the case of any kind of queries and information regarding their product then you can contact their customer service team on below mentioned contact details. Here below in this article you can find answers of all general questions of customers such as how to contact Merck Vaccines, what is the customer service number of Merck Vaccines, what is the official email id of Merck Vaccines, what is the fax number of Merck Vaccines, where is the head office of Merck Vaccines located etc including their head office contact details, official website, social profiles and some important links of their site.
Merck Vaccines Customer Service Contact Details
Merck Vaccines Customer Service Phone Numbers
Customer Center: 1.877.829.6372
Calling from Canada: 1.800.463.7251
For Suggestions: 1.800.235.1430
Merck Vaccines Customer Service Email ID: N/A
For any kind of help, customers can make calls on these given contact number and get support from their officials between their supporting hours.
Merck Vaccines Head Office Contact Details
Merck Vaccines Head Office Address: Merck & Co., Inc. Vaccine Customer Center 770 Sumneytown Pike WP97-A383 West Point, PA 19486-0004
Merck Vaccines Head Office Phone Number: 1.877.829.6372
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